Want To Impact The Kingdom Of God As AÂ Marketplace Leader?
​In 2004 HarvestNet sponsored an initial meeting of marketplace leaders to discuss the somewhat vague concept of Marketplace Ministry: What exactly do we mean by the term? Was it similar or different from already existing ministries that focused on leaders in the marketplace?
We began to search out why God was calling us to uniquely focus on this arena. How were we to engage the various domains of society that corporately comprise "the marketplace?"
What came forth was a Marketplace Ministry collaborative focused on understanding, embracing and trumpeting the vision and role of Kingdom-advancing ministry in a marketplace context.
Our goal is to build a strategic and apostolic team of leaders from various marketplace domains who can interface with like-minded church-place leaders concerning the cap-C Church.
Various envisioning and relationship-building events are offered from time to time. These events seek to prophetically proclaim and confirm God's call to spiritual entrepreneurs functioning vocationally in the marketplace.